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2022 Year-End Summary

·212 words·1 min

I don’t really want to write an end-of-year summary… I’m also not very good at writing end-of-year summaries… This is probably my first time writing one…

This year can be described in one word - terrible. Whether it’s the world… or myself… everything is just terrible…

Everything went wrong for me this year… but I also learned a lot this year…
This year… I started writing some blog posts and gradually recalled the old days…
This year… I officially started using Twitter…
This year, I met many new friends…
This year, some friends left me…
This year… shouldn’t end like this…
This year…

What am I even writing orz ( Actually, this end-of-year summary… I felt like I wouldn’t have time to write it later, so I squeezed some time tonight to get it done… But I’m not really in the mood to write now… (My mom has some health issues, and I’m busy taking care of her… I probably won’t have time or the mood to write in the future… As compensation, I plan to write more diaries next year… Most of what happened this year is hidden in my blog posts and tweets… Finally… I wish everyone a smooth year ahead… And I wish those far away… all the best…